New Covenant Israel in the City
Another guest blog by John Davis at The Gospel First.
As the people of the Messiah, we have the calling of ancient Israel, to gather the nations in worship of the Creator redeemer God. By His grace we have been engrafted into the life-giving vine, Jesus Christ and called to invite others to share this life. We desire to share this grace with both Jews and the nations of the world. Providentially, at this time in history, God has made the carrying out of our task more accessible by bringing the nations of the world to cities like Philadelphia. Perhaps you have been sensing a deeper longing to fulfill your calling of seeing the blessing of Jesus the Messiah come to the nations of the world. Maybe right there in your community you can share the good news with those from many nations or, if you live in a homogeneous community, God may be calling you to the city to experience how the gospel creates a new community of diverse people. more