Helping the Homeless – Give or Don’t Give?
A recent article on Christianity Today Online provides three responses to giving money to street people. In isolation each position appears reasonable with appropriate scriptural and evidentiary support sprinkled with anecdotes. Although many argue a position theoretically and have little or no real engagement with the homeless, this does not appear to the case with these Read more
Keller on “What is Doing Justice”?
Tim Keller’s new book “Generous Justice: How God’s Grace Makes Us Just” is a must-read in the current debate about social justice and provides an added perspective for those who fear a drift, well-founded or not, toward the social gospel. In chapter one from Micah 6:8 where the prophet declares that God requires His people Read more
Mercy Ministries & Credibility
Our church has been gathering gloves, scarves, hats, and socks for the homeless. As I write this blog from Philadelphia with an early arctic blast upon us, I look outside where we have coats hanging on a rail that people can take as they pass by. Some will come into our ministry center where Read more