New book and Other Writings

In this season of life (65 in October) the Lord has given me some time and opportunity to write. My first book was just published in July by Wipf&Stock. “Crossing Cultures: Preparing Strangers for Ministry in Strange Places.”  I’m biased but I think it would  be helpful for prospective missionaries and those sending them, churches and agencies in evaluating competencies. The book comes out of almost 40 years of domestic and international church planting experience.  I have another book under contract with Wipf&Stock and just submitted the manuscript last week: “Urban Church Planting: Journey into Depravity, Density and Diversity.”

Besides the books I’ve had book reviews this year in Missiology (April & July), Themelios (Spring), Evangelical Missions Quarterly (Spring), a full-length article in Evangelical Missiological Society Occasional Bulletin (Spring), an upcoming book review in Criswell Theological Review, and an article accepted for EMQ (Spring 2020). 

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